Steroid Hormones Part 2: Cortisol and Stress
Cortisol is made in the adrenal cortex. It is primarily known for its role in our
stress response by engaging the sympathetic nervous system (better known as
“fight or flight”). Here’s the basic
mechanism: We see a tiger. We need to
run. In order to run we need
energy. To have energy we need blood
sugar. This is one of the functions of
cortisol. It gets sugar into the blood
stream so we can run from the tiger. The
problem is when there really is not a tiger and no running is happening.
If we are constantly under stress, we keep getting the “run
signal.” This pumps sugar into the blood stream. On the other side of the equation is
insulin. Insulin’s job is to move sugar
out of the blood and into cells, primarily to be used to produce energy. However, when there is not the need for energy
the sugar needs to go into “storage.” We
know that as fat. So, at the end of the
day, and particularly when in excess both cortisol and insulin are fat storing
hormones. They follow a simple
rule. When cortisol goes up in your
body, insulin will rise. When insulin
rises, cortisol will go up with it. The same concept works the other way.
This is why stress management is so critical and why
constant stress will lead to weight gain.
It is also important to know that constant increases in cortisol will
also cause decreases in thyroid hormone production and increases in estrogen
production (more on that later).
To summarize the main activities of cortisol:
For the nervous system it manages our sympathetic response
and plays a role in healthy mood and emotions.
For blood sugar management it recognizes when we need energy. When blood sugar levels become low through
our normal activities it is role of cortisol to take action. It happens all day long. The problem becomes when we remain in a stress
response. This ongoing excess can
ultimately contribute to insulin resistance.
For the immune system in a normal mode it supports a
healthy anti-inflammatory response.
However, at high levels it can be immunosuppressive while at low levels the
immune system may be unable to engage effectively.
It is interesting that as a steroid hormone cortisol has catabolic
(state of breakdown); anabolic (rebuilding); and anti-inflammatory functions.
It is clear from the above
discussion there are many adverse effects of high and prolonged stress. We will
discuss some of these later in more detail, but for a quick short list consider
the following implications of increased cortisol:
Reduces fertility by lowering
luteinizing hormone which impacts ovulation in females and testosterone
production in males.
Reduces the active
thyroid hormone T3 as increased cortisol increases rT3 which suppresses T3.
Creates estrogen
dominance (to be discussed in more detail later in females and males.
Decreases DHEA.
Suppresses the immune
Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and
Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create
individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To
learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call
(262) 389-9907 or go to
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