Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Please Support the Wisconsin Consumer Choice and Wellness Act

Consumer Choice and Wellness Act

As many of you know for the past several years we've been battling the Dietitians attempts to gain monopoly power concerning nutrition. Should they do so Wisconsin residents would lose their rights to choose the practitioner they would like to work with. In addition, thousands of current providers would lose their jobs. So far we have been successful, but they continue to work the Legislators. During this same period of time we have been working on our own freedom of choice bill to protect all alternative health care providers.

The time is now! We have a golden opportunity to get some positive health care Legislation in Wisconsin, since we have several legislators that are willing to champion our cause. We urge you to call, not only your legislator but as many as you can as often as you can, and urge everyone on your list to do the same. We are being heard by the Legislators in Madison, now they WANT to hear from you.


LRB 2331/1

Circulating for Co-sponsorship in Madison

Act Now & Call your lawmakers now and ask they to sign on

Find Your Legislators at Link Below


Reasons to co-sponsor this legislation LRB 2331/1.
LRB-2331 Consumer Choice and Wellness Act

1. Is non-partisan - Those of all political persuasions are affected equally. The Wisconsin Health Freedom Coalition (WIHFC) has a diverse makeup of political liberals and conservatives seeking freedom of choice in health care.

2. Is locally sponsored - Besides numerous Wisconsin individuals, the largest advocate is the Wisconsin Health Freedom Coalition which is comprised of Wisconsin residents, with the assistance of an attorney from Minnesota.

3.Is for the "little guy" - It is not crony-capitalism legislation, with sponsorship from large corporations with vested interests. Supporters are almost exclusively from small and independent businesses and those helped by them.

4. Is non-monopolistic - Instead of seeking to control the whole field of dietetics and nutrition, it seeks to protect those involved in various nutrition related practices and businesses who do not practice in an area requiring licensure.

5.Reduces costs to health care insurance providers because fees are primarily out of pocket.

6. Protects an economical alternative with low costs that are pennies on the dollar compared to conventional medicine.

7. Protects a safe alternative where clients experience virtually no negative side effects when compared to those treated with drugs and other medical procedures.

8. Maintains public access to natural and nutritional healing protocols

9. Provides a platform in which to practice complementary and alternative health services.

10. Provides protection from frivolous charges being brought for giving everyday common sense advice and services that do not harm.

Please urge your lawmaker to consider signing on as a co-sponsor

Video explains reasons for co-sponsorship (First Video, Diane Miller JD Discussing the Details of Our Draft: Advance to 25 minutes ): http://wihfc.com/consumer_choice.html

Thanks again for your time and please call.


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