Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Newsletter July 2019: Taking Your Health to a New Level

Last month we announced two new offerings – SHAPE ReClaimed and EMF Home and Office Evaluation. We are pleased to say that these services are now available, and you can learn more about them below.

This newsletter is titled “Taking Your Health to a New Level” because we believe that these new offerings do just that. We are proud to announce that Susana and I are now Certified SHAPE ReClaimed practitioners. SHAPE ReClaimed is a total health transformation program. The program helps restore your health by reducing inflammation, cleansing and detoxification, strengthening immunity, and releasing toxic weight. This is truly taking your health to a new level! And this program is for everyone! Please see below for a special offer for our first SHAPE clients.

The last several newsletters contained articles describing the dangers of EMFs. We have just completed an online course called Electrosmog Rx. We are more convinced than ever about the negative health consequences of exposure. The course creator has developed a questionnaire suggesting linkages between many common symptoms and EMF exposure. To complete the questionnaire, click here: If you would like to learn more about this course, click here: Reducing and eliminating when possible your exposure to EMFs is truly taking your health to a new level! Please see below for more information on this service.

We would also like to send a big thanks to James Templeton for sharing his time and wisdom with us at our June Open House. His is a truly inspirational story and we encourage you to check out his book, I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health by James Templeton.

Just a reminder that the office will be closed from Friday morning May 28 through July 4, re-opening the morning of July 5. The office will also be closed July 11 and 12.

SHAPE ReClaimed
SHAPE ReClaimed is a safe, effective and practitioner-guided health transformation program. With the help of whole food nutrition and a Nanomolecular Dietary Supplement, this customizable program can help you restore your health and revitalize your life.

This program is truly special. It is offered only through practitioners who have been trained on how to use it. We are required to closely monitor you as you proceed through the program to ensure your safety, improve results and guide you toward long-term health. Susana, a Registered Nurse, will be the main practitioner.

SHAPE ReClaimed says: “We want you to experience a total health transformation through new lifestyle habits and a more balanced approach to food. We have the tools you need for long-term success.”

To learn more about SHAPE ReClaimed please click here:
Special Introductory Offer $300: Save $60 from regular price of $360 if you start the program in the month of July. For more information on this special offer click here:

EMF Home and Office Evaluation
While the issue of EMF exposure and safety has been a concern to many of us, the introduction and implementation of 5G networks has taken this to new heights. To help you sort through it all this service will have three objectives:

1.      Identify sources of excessive levels of EMFs.
2.      Recommend ways to eliminate, reduce, and/or shield from these sources.
3.      Recommend and provide products to reduce and/or shield from these sources.

The cost of the evaluation starts at $250 for two hours at one location. Additional locations and hours will increase the cost. For more details click here:

For my last article about EMFs click here:

We are also pleased to announce an affiliation with DefenderShield®, one of the leading manufacturers of EMF protection devices.  From their website:

Our Mission: Based in the United States, DefenderShield® is a team of passionate engineers, technology experts and health enthusiasts with decades of combined experience. We strongly believe all of us need to shield ourselves from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) emissions when using these mobile electronic devices close to our bodies. As trusted experts in the EMF shielding and education, our mission is to share our knowledge of EMF radiation and its potential health issues, while providing the most effective shielding solutions possible. We pride ourselves on our receptive and knowledgeable customer service, as well as the vast amount of resources and information we make available on our website. On top of that, our co-founders Daniel and Ryan have written Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, a complete guide book to the health effects of EMF radiation safety that includes steps to protect you and your family.

For more information about DefenderShield® click here: 

A Simple Thanks
A very short and sweet thank you came in this morning.
“Bernie thank you for taking care of me!” M.S

For more client success stories click here:

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Glyphosate: The Most Dangerous Substance You May Be Consuming - UPDATE

This article originally appeared in the April of 2015. At the time it was quite controversial. It appeared in our local newspaper the News Graphic and there was a nasty letter from a local farmer saying I was way off base. Since then Monsanto has been purchased by Bayer. You can do an Internet search and find claims (from Bayer) that the EPA says glyphosate does not cause cancer. However, several Courts see it differently. In March a San Francisco court awarded $80 million to a man claiming glyphosate caused his cancer and in May an Oakland court awarded $2 billion to a couple with the same claim.

There are now thousands of lawsuits ongoing in the United States, a class action suit in the United States, and the first lawsuit in Australia was recently filed.

Here’s the article from 2015:

Glyphosate. Ever heard of it? Probably not. So let me introduce it to you – it is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup®. The more I learn about it, the more I am concerned. The more I learn about it, the more I am convinced that it may be the number one enemy of good health and the main pathway to so many of the modern diseases we now experience. And if nothing else, it is a great reason to eat organic. 

The information I am sharing is from highly respected researchers - MIT PhDs. They have conducted their own studies and reported on others that link the increase in the use of glyphosate with the increase in many modern diseases, including celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and cancer. When we understand what glyphosate does in our bodies we see how specific nutrients are depleted and the subsequent negative impact on specific biological processes essential for good health. My purpose here is to provide a summary of the findings. If you want to research this more I suggest you search Stephanie Seneff, PhD.

The article I read focused on celiac disease, its main symptoms, and glyphosate. The main symptoms of celiac disease are: weight loss, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, anemia, nausea, skin rashes, depression, and nutrient deficiencies. As you know these symptoms are not unique to celiac disease. They are experienced daily by many people and likely share common origins and roots with celiac disease – one of these being glyphosate consumption and exposure.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup®. We are told it is not toxic to humans. Yet multiple scientific research studies draw links to obesity, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, infertility, depression, and cancer as well as celiac disease. The bottom line is that the actions of glyphosate in our body have negative impacts on our health.

One of the major signs of celiac disease is damage to the microvilli of the intestine. This prevents proper digestion and assimilation of many vital nutrients and triggers an autoimmune response. A study on fish exposed to glyphosate showed the same defects in the small intestine lining as seen in humans diagnosed with celiac disease.

Now let’s take a look at some of the specific biological process disrupted and nutrients depleted by glyphosate. There are many more than discussed here, but I selected the major ones to support the main point of this article.

Gut bacteria: Glyphosate disrupt our gut bacteria. They inhibit growth of the good bacteria such as Enterococcus, Bifidobacteria, and Lactobacillus; while allowing the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and Clostridium difficile (C-Diff). The pathogenic bacteria cause damage to our gut lining and lead to “leaky gut.” Evidence of this has been seen across poultry, cattle, and swine populations. This is why Probiotics are often suggested to be used in cases of celiac disease or other intestinal discomfort.

As a side note, this is how Roundup® kills bugs. It blows their guts up!

CYP enzymes for liver detoxification: CYP enzymes are essential for the detoxification of specific substances in our liver. CYP enzymes are also required to produce bile acids and process cholesterol.  Studies show correlations between liver damage, gall bladder dysfunction, high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver, kidney damage, pancreatic damage, and esophageal damage connected to glyphosate. In short, when the detoxification process in the liver is compromised it creates the pathways for damage to these other organs.

Nutrient deficiencies: Many nutrient deficiencies are associated with glyphosate.
Cobalamin (B12) deficiency causes elevated levels of homocysteine which is inflammatory in nature. Cobalamin is derived from cobalt which glyphosate is known to chelate (bind with), thus the shortage. Anemia may result from cobalamin deficiencies, but also folate and iron. Glyphosate interferes with iron assimilation as well. 

Molybdenum, a trace mineral, is needed for two key enzymes. Sulfite oxidase which converts sulfite to sulfate (a more stable form) and xanthine oxidase which produces uric acid from xanthine and hypoxanthine. Too much sulfite and uric acid leads to oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. Glyphosate interferes with molybdenum assimilation.

Selenium is required for many processes, including thyroid hormone production, immune system functioning, sperm production, and protective against oxidative cellular damage. Glyphosate inhibits selenium uptake into plants, thus limiting its availability in the foods (such as wheat) where it is supposed to be present. Evidence of the association between thyroid disease and thyroid cancer and the use of glyphosate is documented.

Glyphosate has been shown to disrupt the production of tryptophan. Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin. Serotonin plays many roles among them activating the immune response and inflammation in the gut and mood regulation. Depression is often linked to serotonin shortages.  

This is a brief synopsis of one of many articles on the subject of glyphosate. As I stated earlier, the more I read about this herbicide, the more I do believe it is at the source of many of our health problems today. It is not the only cause, but in combination with other factors our bodies our under assault from environmental factors that we have never before experienced as a human race.

The solution to avoiding glyphosate is simple. Eat organic plants and animals. That will greatly decrease your chances for exposure.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Glyphosate deemed “probably carcinogenic.” A working group of experts from 11 countries classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans: in a recent meeting at the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France. As if we needed to know more!!

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to