Monday, April 29, 2019

Newsletter May 2019: The Devil is in the Details

The inspiration for this month’s newsletter comes from two client experiences this past month which illustrate the importance of details when we face health challenges.

The first example is a client with a sensitivity to corn. I have had several clients with corn sensitivities in the past and with each one I learn more about the subtleties of this condition. It is very difficult to completely prevent corn from entering your body because it is hidden in different forms and derivatives in many foods, drinks, and consumer products. Note the terminology “entering your body” as opposed to “removing corn from your diet” because of its inclusion in consumer products such as toothpaste or deodorant.  In most cases it can be identified on product labels, but in other instances (such as alcoholic beverages) it is not required to be on the label due to various labeling laws. 

The second example is a client with sensitivity to EMFs. I have devoted several recent articles and newsletters to the dangers of EMFs and the latest technology of 5G. This client’s experience indicates the impact EMF exposure can have when one is already health challenged.

I hope you find these two articles interesting and informative.

Corn: The Less Well Known Just as Serious Food Sensitivity
When you hear that someone has a food allergy or sensitivity what comes first to your mind? If you are like most people it is gluten, wheat, or perhaps dairy. Yet to many people, corn is equally problematic for two reasons – first, it is less known so not considered, and second, it generally acts more subtly.

I have several clients with corn sensitivities, and it is always a similar story – strange symptoms which no one can figure out, which go away when corn is completely removed from the diet. However, completely removing corn is a major challenge. My client correctly states that “corn is in everything.” Not only food and drinks, but consumer items such as toothpaste and deodorant.

I have a list that I provide for my clients of products that contain corn. Including: corn starch, corn syrup, corn meal, glucose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrins, cyclodextrins, maltodextrin, emulsifiers, lecithin, citric acid, lactic acid, sorbitol, mannitol, xantham gum, modified and unmodified starches, MSG, ethanol, and organic acids used in plastic.

Recently I have learned some more places where corn is hidden thanks to this recent correspondence from a client with a corn sensitivity:

“I just had a full circle/ ah HA moment and wanted to share with you... with the help of your guidance and knowledge (and internet) I came to realize Tito’s vodka, is 100% made of corn. I had 2 drinks this past weekend with Tito’s vodka, and have had some face issues. Nothing major just wasn’t as good as it was.”

To read the rest of the article click here:

Are EMFs Overloading Your System?
With the introduction of the new 5G technology, the safety of EMFs particularly as related to wireless and cell phone technology, is once again making headline news across the natural health media and even the main stream media. The wireless industry is encountering stiff resistance from local groups requesting that their local governments do not allow 5G installation until there are studies supporting safety. We are seeing many smaller towns and cities across the US, Europe, and throughout the world where these protests are taking place. Some municipalities are removing the WIFI from their schools. Earlier this month, the city of Brussels became the first major city to put a halt to the deployment of 5G. 

I would like to share a real-life client experience that occurred this past month. A client came in for a follow up appointment a couple of weeks ago. She reported that since her last appointment she noticed that she was not feeling well and had trouble sleeping. Like other clients, she concluded that it must be the new supplement causing the problem. 

Under these circumstances during the muscle testing process I make sure to check if something new is present. And sure enough it was! For the first time ever with this client her body was suggesting EMF interference. Since it had never come up before I was a little surprised. So, I hesitatingly asked, “Has your exposure to EMFs increased recently?”

Her response, “Funny you should mention that. We recently put a new smart TV in the bedroom.” I asked, “When was that?”. The reply, “Right after my last appointment.” “Well, that is likely your problem,” I responded.

To read the rest of the article click here:

Product Specials
I have a limited supply of the following Standard Process/MediHerb products at a special price:
Herbal Throat Spray - $12 – an ideal product to have while you are traveling to support your immune system.
Garlic Forte - $12
Bilberry - $20 – great for the eyes!
Min-Chex - $15

If you are interested in purchasing them please let me know – first come first served.

Are EMFs Overloading Your System?

With the introduction of the new 5G technology, the safety of EMFs particularly as related to wireless and cell phone technology, is once again making headline news across the natural health media and even the main stream media. The wireless industry is encountering stiff resistance from local groups requesting that their local governments do not allow 5G installation until there are studies supporting safety. We are seeing many smaller towns and cities across the US, Europe, and throughout the world where these protests are taking place. Some municipalities are removing the WIFI from their schools. Earlier this month, the city of Brussels became the first major city to put a halt to the deployment of 5G. 

I would like to share a real-life client experience that occurred this past month. A client came in for a follow up appointment a couple of weeks ago. She reported that since her last appointment she noticed that she was not feeling well and had trouble sleeping. Like other clients, she concluded that it must be the new supplement causing the problem. 

Under these circumstances during the muscle testing process I make sure to check if something new is present. And sure enough it was! For the first time ever with this client her body was suggesting EMF interference. Since it had never come up before I was a little surprised. So, I hesitatingly asked, “Has your exposure to EMFs increased recently?”

Her response, “Funny you should mention that. We recently put a new smart TV in the bedroom.” I asked, “When was that?”. The reply, “Right after my last appointment.” “Well, that is likely your problem,” I responded.

And it was! They turned off the WIFI and unplugged the TV that night and she reported her sleep improved. A couple of days later she reported that her husband had also installed 5G in the house at the same time! She was just in the office and reports that her sleep continues to improve.
So here is the case of someone who is already slightly compromised health-wise and the EMFs and 5G placed extra burden on her system that she could not handle.

While not everyone has reactions to EMFs to this extreme, there is sufficient evidence of their negative effect on our health. At this point you may be asking what you can do to best protect yourself and your family from these potentially harmful emissions. Yes, they are all around us – virtually everyone has a cell phone and a router in their home, but we can minimize our exposure.

The simplest thing to do is to turn your WIFI off at night when you are sleeping. Sleep is the time your body rests and repairs. The WIFI interferes with this process. Keep your cell phone at least six feet away from your body. If you can, put it on airplane mode. Unplug all other smart appliances that you do not need on during the night, particularly those in the bedroom. Consider wiring your house instead of using WIFI. As with my client, these few simple steps can make a big difference in your sleep and in your overall health and wellbeing.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Corn: The Less Well Known Just as Serious Food Sensitivity

When you hear that someone has a food allergy or sensitivity what comes first to your mind? If you are like most people it is gluten, wheat, or perhaps dairy. Yet to many people, corn is equally problematic for two reasons – first, it is less known so not considered, and second, it generally acts more subtly.

This client testimonial pretty much sums it up: 

“Hey Bernie! I thought I would add to your success stories. After eliminating corn and all corn derivatives, I finally feel better!! I ate something with corn starch in it to see what would happen, and sure s**t, the reaction happened.  I'm so happy cuz now I … can stop worrying about my "invisible disease" since I didn't know what was making me sick all the time. To think of all the tests I had done and all the money I spent on.

Nobody knows anything about this corn allergy, so I don't really tell normal people who aren't that educated in health and wellness/nutrition. My mom’s husband is a doctor (general practitioner) and he never had any clue as to what was wrong with me. Everyone just said it must be my anxiety which made me more anxious [but] I knew it was something else! 
I have to be so careful and can't even eat anywhere but home since corn is in everything. I'm just so grateful that I understand what is happening with my body. That was super scary at times.

Thanks again 😊”

I have several clients with corn sensitivities, and it is always a similar story – strange symptoms which no one can figure out, which go away when corn is completely removed from the diet. However, completely removing corn is a major challenge. My client correctly states that “corn is in everything.” Not only food and drinks, but consumer items such as toothpaste and deodorant.

I have a list that I provide for my clients of products that contain corn. Including: corn starch, corn syrup, corn meal, glucose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrins, cyclodextrins, maltodextrin, emulsifiers, lecithin, citric acid, lactic acid, sorbitol, mannitol, xantham gum, modified and unmodified starches, MSG, ethanol, and organic acids used in plastic.

Recently I have learned some more places where corn is hidden thanks to this recent correspondence from a client with a corn sensitivity:

“I just had a full circle/ ah HA moment and wanted to share with you... with the help of your guidance and knowledge (and internet) I came to realize Tito’s vodka, is 100% made of corn. I had 2 drinks this past weekend with Tito’s vodka, and have had some face issues. Nothing major just wasn’t as good as it was.

Maybe a stupid email with just me ranting but wanted to share the fun facts that Tito’s is 100%... awful corn based. Shaking my head.”

This same client also discovered the hard way that some beers also have corn derivatives in them. She had some Blue Moon and her face broke out!

These stories have inspired me to write this article and do additional research into beers and vodkas that contain corn. Not that I am encouraging any one to consume alcohol, but it is a reality, and it is important to know this information. Most of us assume that beer is a wheat product and vodka is made from wheat, rye, or potato.

Vodka will be advertised as “gluten free” which is your first clue it may have corn. Among the most popular brands made from corn include the previously mentioned Tito’s, along with Deep Eddy and Smirnoff. Gluten free vodka may also be made from potatoes.  For a complete list of gluten free vodkas click here:

Now let’s look at beer. You will find “gluten free” beer advertised as well for those with gluten sensitivities, but no mention of “corn free”.  If you watched the Super Bowl this year you noticed that Bud Light was attacking MillerCoors for using corn syrup. Although Bud Light does not use corn syrup they do use Dextrose which is a corn derivative! Nothing like advertising!!

Beer companies are not required to list all the ingredients on the label, so until a few years ago much of this was not publicly known. In response to a food activist creating an online petition and publicizing the ingredient controversy, Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors began to publish their ingredients online revealing that some beers contain corn syrup (GMO), high fructose corn syrup, sucrose (sugar), caramel color, artificial flavors, natural flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and other additives.

Here are some of the corn derivatives found in specific brands:

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup (Guinness – unable to provide an affidavit for non-GMO proof)
  • Corn syrup (Miller Light, Coors, Corona, Fosters, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Stripe)
  • Dextrose (Budweiser, Bud Light, Busch Light, Michelob Ultra)
  • Corn (Red Stripe, Miller Coors Brand, Anheuser-Busch Brands)

For the full article Why Ingredients in Beer Matter – And What Beer Companies Aren’t Telling You click here:

To learn more about corn and some of the other ingredients you may not appreciate being in your beer click here:   

One of these ingredients is a caramel coloring used in Newcastle (a UK brand) that has found to be carcinogenic.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to