Thursday, December 29, 2016

January 2017 Newsletter: Start the Year with a Cleanse Plus: Purify the Body, Mind, and Soul and begin a Smart Exercise Program

Wow! That’s a long title for the newsletter, but it certainly is a great way to start the New Year!

If you’re like me (yes, me too!) It is time to get back on track from the Holidays. Drop those few extra pounds and cleanse the body with the 21 Day Purification Program. Susana and I will be starting it (January 14) upon our return from vacation and we’d like you to join us. For those who do, I have a very special offer – in fact the best incentive I’ve ever offered!  See below for the details.

Not sure if you need to do the cleanse or not? Well, take this quick questionnaire to see:

Above, I also mentioned purifying the mind and soul, and starting a smart exercise program.  I’ve mentioned these two books in the past and if you haven’t had a chance yet to review them, I strongly recommend it!  They are: Body by Science by Doug McGuff, MD and John Little and The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.  I’ll tell you more about them below.

But for those who can’t wait here’s a quick summary.
1.      Do the 21 Day Purification Program and take advantage of this great offer!
2.      Read the book Body by Science to learn how exercise impacts the body.
3.      Read the book The Emotion Code to learn how to “release your trapped emotions for abundant health, love and happiness.” (That’s on the book’s cover.)

Of course if you do not have time to read the books, no problem as you can review my past blogs that summarize the books.

Cleanse Special Offer
I have a special offer this month for the Standard Process Purification Program. It is such a great offer, that I can’t even mention it here. But, I’ll tell you this – it is the largest incentive I have ever offered.  
Please call or e-mail if you are interested, so I can tell you the price and we can arrange for you to pick up your kit!

Body by Science
In the past I’ve written a few articles about exercise. I’ve told you about PACE and PACE Express from Dr. Sears, BurstFit by Dr. Axe, and the Xiser stepper to name a few. All of these techniques are similar in they promote what is called “burst training” or “sprint training” and now “HIT” (high intensity training). All work off a similar premise – the human body was not designed to run a marathon and the average person does not have to spend hours upon hours exercising to get in shape.
In fact, they even boldly state that being fit is not necessarily the same as being healthy and that many people over-exercise which has negative impacts on their health. This has been my experience with many of my clients. They come to me and say, “I don’t get it. I work out every day with my trainer and I keep gaining weight.” 

Body by Science explains all the whys behind this. It provides the research and the science behind how exercise impacts the body. Here’s a link to the web site: 

There are videos, blogs, and other helpful information. I highly recommend it.
Here’s the links to my blog articles summarizing the book:
Getting Started With Body by Science:
Exercise and Hormones: Fat Burning (Yes) and Fat Storing (oh no!):
It’s In Your Genes: Ten Factors That Influence Exercise Outcomes:

The Emotion Code
As many of you are aware, there is more to the body than just the pure physical – there is the emotional and the spiritual as well. True health is not only a healthy body, but also a healthy mind and soul. There is a wide source of literature and studies supporting the role of emotion in our health. It is the basis for a variety of “energetic medicine” type practices. 

The Emotion Code focuses on Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work with his chiropractic patients not only on their physical level, but on their emotional (and spiritual) level as well. He has found how emotions create the physical symptoms of his patients and by clearing the emotions the patient returns to health.
The book explains it all and gives the reader the tools to release their trapped emotions. Here’s a link to his website for more information. Warning – he’s selling all kinds of stuff which is usually a red flag for me, but all you really need is the book – so if you’re interested just start there before you go crazy buying stuff!! 

And, over the next few months I’ll offer more insight in the newsletters as well. Here’s the link:

Happy New Year! My best wishes to you, your family, and your loved ones for a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 2016 Newsletter: In Loving Memory of Leo Rosen

This month’s newsletter is late and brief due to the passing of my Father last week. He lived a good and long life, just three months short of his 92nd birthday. From the Model T to the I-Phone he was certainly a member of what is now known as “The Greatest Generation.” He was a loving father, grandfather, and husband; successful attorney, World War II navy veteran, and polio survivor. We will all miss him dearly.

Interestingly enough, he almost died last March after getting a bacterial infection in the hospital. So I’ve decided to feature an article below about the dangers of bacteria in the hospital. He died of kidney failure, my belief from all the medications he was on during that battle and throughout the later years of his life. So, I’m also featuring an article on that subject.

I will be out of the office from December 30 until January 12 of next year. I will send another reminder in a few weeks, but please plan ahead for your supplement needs. I will be out of the country, so not able to get things to you.

Hospital Acquired Infections
Here are several articles from Dr. Mercola covering this issue in depth. What can you do about it? Besides eating right and taking care of yourself to avoid the hospital I generally recommend to take lots of probiotics while in the hospital and upon release.

One in 25 patients end up with hospital acquired infections. Here’s the article:

This hospital mistake kills 60,000 people per year. Here’s the article:

And one more, why hospital beds should have danger signs on them. Here’s the article:

Over use of Medications and Kidney Failure
Ever wonder why all the drug advertisements warn you about your kidneys?

Regular use of aspirin and Tylenol linked to kidney disease. Here’s the article:

Certain types of antibiotics can cause kidney failure: Here’s the article:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 2016 Newsletter: My Most Compliant Client – Likes His Supplements So Much He Even Begs for Them!

Yes, I’m talking about our dog Barry! Dogs are people too! And just like humans many of them suffer from nutritional deficiencies and ultimately disease. Just last year I read an article in Barron’s about the high profitability and growth of the drug manufacturer Pfizer’s veterinary product business stating approximately 70% of US pets are on at least one medication! Most of our pets are eating highly processed cereal based foods. In short they’re on the same bad diets as their owners, so wind up with the same diseases.

I’ve written in the past about Standard Process’ veterinary product line and even linked to a Veterinarian who advocates purification programs for animals. Well, recently I took it a step further and had Barry muscle tested by Sue Howell, a local Standard Process employee. Sue was trained in muscle testing by my mentor Dr. Joe Teff, so she used a similar technique. 

Barry is a bit overweight, so she recommended a new diet and some supplements to address his nutritional deficiencies. We started with the supplements and he loves them! Now, every time I go into the kitchen where I keep his supplements he comes in looking for more. And as you can see by the video linked here he devours them quickly!  To enjoy the video of Barry enjoying his supplements click here and just scroll down a bit on the page and you’ll see it:

We’ve started with the supplements and Barry’s diet is next to change in a few weeks. I’ll keep you updated on his progress!

Here’s a Happy Compliant Human!
Here’s an email I received a few weeks ago:
“Hi Bernie –
I just want to say – wow – whatever we switched to has me feeling great.  I have energy, am sleeping well and am actually starting to drop a pound or two.  Soy – no problem, peppers – fine, wheat – find.  Dairy – that is a toughy.  I am still nibbling on a bit of white cheese but will try and cut that out.
 Yeah – another layer of the onion is peeling away.”

The Cold and Flu Season Awaits
While we’re having a record breaking warm day today here in Wisconsin we all know what is just around the corner. With the colder weather comes the cold and flu season. As I’ve mentioned previously I recommend that all clients have on hand Congaplex Chewable and Andrographis Complex by Standard Process - a great way to boost your immune system when you feel something coming on. Take 1-2 Congaplex every hour and 1 Andrographis Complex every 4 hours you’re awake and usually in a day or two you’re feeling fine.

Friday, September 30, 2016

October 2016 Newsletter Vitamins: Good for You or a Scam?

The most common questions asked of me by clients and the general public is: “Do I really need vitamins? I hear they don’t really work. Can’t I get everything from food?”  One of my clients even sent me the September 2016 article from Consumer Reports panning the vitamin industry. You’ll probably be surprised to discover that I actually agree with many of the points in the article. Yet you’ll see that the article omits other important information, thus it fails to provide the full picture. These issues (do vitamins work and can I get it all from food) are addressed in two new articles featured below.

I recently attended the 2016 Back to School for Doctors program in Denver, Colorado sponsored by Standard Process West. I’ve been attending for the past several years. Mark Anderson is one of the most knowledgeable speakers in the country regarding natural health and supplements. This year’s program featured heart health and I came away with new knowledge to help reduce cholesterol in a natural way which I have already applied twice today to clients!

As we head into fall and soon winter it’s time to be ready for cold and flu season. I encourage all my clients to have on hand two supplements for when they feel something coming on. These are Congaplex Chewable from Standard Process and Andrographis Complex from MediHerb. If you would like more information on these please call or send an email.

Good Supplements Bad Supplements
One of my most popular public talks is called “Good Supplements Bad Supplements.” The reason it is so popular is that most of the general public is very confused about whether or not to use nutritional supplements. “If vitamins are supposed to be good for us, why do I read in the paper and hear on television reports they are not?”

There are many articles written by “experts” such as the September 2016 article in Consumer Reports that pan the use of supplements. Two years ago I reported on another study that concluded that vitamin supplementation was not helpful (and in fact some suggested it could be harmful).  There were no significant differences in positive outcomes between people taking vitamins and those not taking them.  Another study specific to Vitamin E and “antioxidant” supplementation found that those taking the supplements experienced worse outcomes (more heart disease and cancer) than those not taking the supplements. 

For years we have been told by alternative health practitioners and the vitamin and supplement industry that Vitamin E and “antioxidants” are supposed to protect against heart disease and cancer. This appears to be counter-intuitive. Can they both be right?

For the rest of the article click here:

What They Ate What We Eat
“I eat very healthy.” “My doctor tells me I can get all the vitamins and minerals I need from food.” I often hear one or both of these statements from my clients. Here’s my response: It is great that you eat healthy because that is the foundation to build upon. However, it is very unlikely that you can get everything you need from your food. 

There are two main reasons for this. First, most people have not eaten “very healthy” all their lives, so therefore it is likely that they have some nutritional deficiencies. Second, and most important – what we eat today is very different from what was eaten not too long ago by our ancestors. To read the rest of the article and to learn the differences between what they ate and what we eat click here: