Well, if April showers bring May flowers we should have some
of the most incredible growth ever seen!!
This month I continue with the theme of nutrition hypes and
misleading “scientific” studies. As I
quote my friend Dr. Bruce Bond, “You can’t get healthy on a diet of
misinformation.” This month you will see
that “superfoods” is really “real foods” and they do not have to come from
exotic places. And, you’ll learn that
the last thing you want to put in your body in isolated concentrated form is an
antioxidant! Of course the best part of
the whole story is that the marketers claim what makes the “superfoods” so
super is their antioxidant content. Read
on to have all this nonsense straightened out.
“Superfood” – No Just Eat Real Food!!
It seems as if every
day the next “superfood” is introduced.
It is usually from some exotic locale; it has just recently been discovered
by someone and saved their life; it will cure all diseases known to man; and it
is featured in the latest and greatest multi-level marketing program that is
guaranteed to make you a millionaire.
Also, it is generally rather expensive to buy!
I say, just eat real
foods, as they come in nature, not in a box or cellophane wrapping. To learn more click here:
The Antioxidant Myth
We are all familiar with the antioxidant story. We develop all kinds of diseases because we
don’t get enough antioxidants. Those
evil particles called free radicals cause us to age and become diseased. However, by taking antioxidant supplements we
can kill the free radicals and not get sick.
In fact, we can even cure our disease with these miracle pills. We are also told that vitamins are
antioxidants. For example, Vitamin C and
Vitamin E are often mentioned in this manner.
Well, what if this wasn’t quite true? As you probably guessed, since I’m writing
about this topic – it isn’t! To read the
real story click here:
In my article I mention how we are told that vitamins are
antioxidants. They are not! For a succinct summary of why a vitamin is
not an antioxidant click here.
Still A Chance to Save on the Cleanse
I have to admit it – in last month’s newsletter I announced
my plans to do start the Purification Program.
Well, it didn’t happen. Since we
all have excuses I’ll give you mine – just when I was getting ready to start
someone would call and need a kit! True,
but obviously I could have ordered additional ones. Anyway, my new plan is to start next week, so
if you’d like to join me I will continue last month’s special: $25 off for first time cleansers and $15 off
for experienced cleansers. For more information call (262-389-9907) or e-mail me (bernie@brwellness.com)